a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

2023 archive

July 2023 Blogs

July Chronicles Slice of Life

July Chronicles

(July 31, 2023) Pleasant surprises, mangoes galore, heavy downpour....that's July in Siquijor. With the changing of the months come changes in the season and fruits. But lechon remains a constant...more »»

My July Yoga Practice: a Journal Yoga

My July Yoga Practice: a Journal

(July 1-30, 2023) I thought I would OBE in July through repeated sessions in my daily practice. But it didn't happen. Even so, it made me proficient in my meditation. This doesn't dampen my resolve. I will continue my daily progression in Hemi-Sync until I finish the program...more »»

Learning Cebuano: July Learning

Learning Cebuano: July

(July 1-31, 2023) I dragged my feet trying to learn Cebuano despite the low motivation. Hopefully, I can do better this July...more »»

'Forever Young' Yoga Sequence Yoga

'Forever Young' Yoga Sequence

(Jul 26, 2023) Yoga has specific practices that result in delaying or reversing the aging process. This class is an amalgamation of all of them into a fountain of youth sequence...more »»

Shopping in Dumaguete Traveling

Shopping in Dumaguete

(July 21-23, 2023) I needed to do some errands in Dumaguete and I needed a break from Siquijor. Despite the continuous rain, I braved the sea voyage with my folding bike. Turns out I needed to buy more than I planned...more »»

The Universe as my Guru Yoga Lucid Thoughts

The Universe as my Guru

(July 18, 2023) So far, my biggest realization in Autobiography Of A Yogi is that having a guru is essential. Paramahansa Yogananda could not have accomplished everything he did without his guru - not in his lifetime. I have no guru. Am I doomed to fall short? That's when I had this idea and acted on it...more »»

Autobiography of a Yogi Book Review Yoga

Autobiography of a Yogi

(July 12-29, 2023) I read this book in high school and I didn't really appreciate it at that time. Perhaps now is the time. Steve Jobs said that this is the one book he would recommend if he can only recommend one book.....more »»

Living a Simple Life by Design Lucid Thoughts

Living a Simple Life by Design

(July 10, 2023) After feeling left behind by technological breakthroughs and forfeiting looming opportunities, I had to think. What was I hanging on to?..more »»

Left Behind Lucid Thoughts

Feeling Left Behind

(July 9, 2023) From a deadend career with no way out, I found a new niche in Web Design back in 2000 when the World Wide Web was ushered into the mainstream. I thrived. But so much has happened since - crypto-currency, blockchain, AI, Internet-of-Things, podcasting, etc. So much fortune was made. Now, 23 years later, I look back and somehow feel that I was left behind...perhaps by choice...more »»

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