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One-Leg Sequence Jun 14, 2014

One-Leg Sequence

GPS waypoint: 6°08'15.6"N 125°10'17.6"E
Location: Marichi Yoga House, Gen San City, Philippines Class Date: June 21, 2014

Finding Center
One legged poses allow us to find our center of gravity and explore its range. There is no faking it. Either we achieve balance or we don't. There is no middle ground.

Concentration and Calm
One legged poses also demand our full attention. It's very hard to think about anything else when we try to continuously find our center to attain that fluid stability. When successful, we don't only balance our body, but we also create balance in our nerve impulses, our thoughts, emotions and our very consciousness instilling a deep sense of calm even if it requires intense alertness.

Since we are carrying our full body weight on one leg instead of 2, we also work on our strength and develop the muscles.

At Home
It is best to practice one legged poses at home by the wall. This way you can hold your balance longer and develop the muscles needed to help you with support. Hold it until muscle fatigue sets in - then do the other side.


  • fix your gaze on one spot
  • bend both knees before lifting one leg
  • keep the standing leg slightly bent - until you establish balance, then straighten
  • put extra weight on the edge of the standing foot


don't blink until a tear rolls down
  • eye roll
  • up / down / side to side
  • trombone
  • near and far


  • child's pose, wide knees then, extend and press hands on mat, lifting elbows (breath into shoulders and upper back)
  • cat and cow
  • downward dog - pedal the heels, sway the hips then slowly walk the hands to the feet into a forward bend
  • hang - fold the arms into the elbows and just hang there, doing nothing, letting gravity do its work, then give the hamstrings and calves a good massage
  • right hand to left angkle, twist, other side
  • hands to big toe
  • palm under feet
  • clasp hands behind back
  • Samasthitihi - release the arms and on one long inhale, vertebrae by vertebrae, roll up into standing
  • knee stirring
  • hip stirring
  • quad stretch

III One-Legged Asanas

  • Tree - 5 breaths
  • Hand to Big Toe - 5 breaths
  • Front / Side / Back Kick
  • Front / Back Kick - 5 breaths
  • Eagle
  • Dancers Pose

II Heat Movement

  • Surya Namaskar A - 2x
  • Surya Namaskar B - 2x
  • Burpee - jump, snap back into plank, slowly lower to Chaturanga, upward dog, push up, downward dog, jump forward, jump again (5/4/3/2/1x)

III Warrior One-Legged Asanas

  • warrior 1, warrior 2, reverse, warrior 3 hands back then front, half moon, back to warrior 1
  • warrior 2, reverse, utthita parsvakonasana (inside hand), 2 hands on ankle, bind, stretch (5x), feet together, lift bound leg, stretch bound leg, come back to center
  • Wild Thing (Kamatkarasana) - flex on exhale, lift up in inhale 5 breaths, wilder thing, other side

V Seated

  • dandasana
  • Janu, Marichyasana
  • matsyandrasana
  • knee on knee
  • pigeon

IV Backbends

  • Fish - 5 breaths
  • Bridge - 5 breaths
  • Camel, hands on hips - 5 breaths
  • Camel, hands on heels, toes tucked - 5 breaths
  • Camel, hands on heels, toes pointed - 5 breaths
  • Dandasana - counter poses


  • one hand square plank
  • side plank with flexion
  • leg raise / purvottanasana
  • bicycle / purvottanasana
  • boat / purvottanasana
  • childs pose

Arm Balancing

  • Bhujapidasana
  • Elephant

VII Inversion

  • shoulder stand
  • headstand
  • Handstand on a wall - to find out if they are strong enough for the Hollow Back
  • Hollow Back on wall - workshop style

VIII Partner One-Legged

IX Savasana

--- TheLoneRider

How to Get to Marichi Yoga House

Take a tricycle and ask to be dropped off at Western Union near Iglesia ni Cristo in Purok Malakas. Enter the gate where Western Union is, and go up the 2nd floor. P10 from the main city (or P30 if you wish to have a special trip).

Yoga-Sequence Series

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