a seeker in search of Easter Eggs

Studio-type Yoga classes

Power Yoga Class at Yoga Inc., Singapore Mar 21, 2015

Power Yoga Class at Yoga Inc., Singapore

Location: Yoga Inc., 100 Guillemard Road ,#01-08, Singapore 399718 (Old Singapore Badminton Hall), Singapore

   At this point you already know they like it hard even for our regular class. So if we have to call your class POWER YOGA, you have to kill them. The expectation is high. -- Ashly (Yoga Inc. owner)   

Killer Sequence
I had been regularly attending yoga at Yoga Inc. to get back on track with my practice and regain my fitness level. I offered to conduct a yoga class as well. After my 5th yoga class, Ashly, the owner said, "At this point you already know they like it hard even for our regular class. So if we have to call your class POWER YOGA, you have to kill them. The expectation is high".

Power Yoga Class at Yoga Inc., Singapore

Hmmmm...these Singaporeans take no prisoners - they kill me on every class (and I'm loving every minute of it). At a time when I'm just regaining my fitness back, I have to come up with a killer sequence that is doable for the beginner with option to push it hard for those seeking more challenge. Since I perform all the asanas as I cue them, I hope my killer sequence doesn't kill me first. Ha-ha, with a gulp!

Way below is the script for my actual one hour sequence, complete with introduction.

--- Gigit (TheLoneRider)
YOGA by Gigit Yoga by Gigit | Learn English Learn English | Travel like a Nomad Nomad Travel Buddy | Donation Bank Donation Bank for TheLoneRider

Thank you Ashly for giving me the opportunity to conduct this class....and thank you for allowing me to pursue my yoga practice at Yoga Inc.

Class Instruction Begins Here

Greetings everyone, my name is xxxxxx and I thank you for coming over. It's a Saturday morning and it's tempting to sleep-in. But you decided to come and honor your practice - that says a lot about your commitment.

About the Sequence
The sequence we'll be doing this morning is Power Yoga. It's not as extreme as it sounds, think of it as Ashtanga with a few liberties without the rigid sequence. We will develop heat as we go along, sweating our way through. We will employ Ujayii Breathing in this class. No mouth breathing.

Introducing Bandhas
I'd like to introduce 2 things also in this session. We engage muscle locks at all times, called "bandhas". There are a few bandhas in yoga but now we employ only 2. One is the moola bandha. This is your anus and this is your genitalia. The soft area in between, right above it the perineal muscle. You essentially pull this muscle up and keep it engaged. How do we engage this? You hold it like you're holding your pee. The 2nd bandha is the Udiyaana Bandha. We simply engage in the muscle area 2 inches below the navel.

Any first timer? First timer, don't be too focused on the'll happen at some point. But focus on the breath and the bandhas. When you feel too tired, stay out of your ego and go into a child's pose until you recover and then join the class.

Any injuries? What kind of injury? I'm not a doctor. I'd like you to listen to your body and honor that. If there is pain, stop. If there is discomfort, discern if it's simply being out of your comfort zone or if it's an injury waiting to happen. Your body talking to you is more important than me talking to you.

Beginning Asanas
Alright, let us begin:


downward dog pose Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Let's all find ourselves in Downward Dog, but be easy, we're starting cold here. Just acclimatize into the pose, maybe knees slightly bent, alternately pedaling the heels up and down, maybe the heels are still not touching the mat...that's ok. We'll sink slowly into the pose.
standing forward bend, hanging pose Relaxed Standing Forward Bend, Hanging
Let's slowly walk our fingers back towards our toes...and let's fold our arms into our elbows, upper body hinging from the hips. Knees could be slightly bent and we simply do nothing for now...just allowing gravity to its work us. As we stay here, feel the back of the legs loosening up, feel the lower back muscles letting go. Breathe! still mindful of the Bandhas....pulling up the perineal muscle and engaging our abdominals 2 inches below our navel.


Standing Sidebend Standing Sidebend (Indudalasana)
Inhale sweeping the arms up and continue reaching up while grounding your feet to the map, shoulders away from the ears. Feel the body pulled in 2 opposite directions. Create length...create space...breathe...and release. Right hand grabbing the left wrist, inhale lengthen, and on the exhale, bend to the right...left foot firmly on the mat, pushing the hips to the left and pulling the left hand to the right. Breathe. Come back to center. Other side.... Come back to Mountain Pose.
tree pose Tree Pose (Vrksasana)
hold for 5 breaths and transition to Hand to Big Toe without putting the foot down.
Hand to Big Toe Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana)
hold for 5 breaths then back to center, let go of the toes but keep the leg stretched forward. Without putting the leg down, transition into Warrior III
Warrior III Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
hold for 5 breaths then bend the standing knee, thighs parallel to the mat and stretch the back leg towards the front - hold for 5 breaths. On the last inhale, straighten the bent knee and come back to Mountain Pose. Shake your legs and arms...decompress.




side plank Side Plank (Vasisthasana)
(Vinyasa until upper plank): put your full body weight on the left hand and roll to the side, right hand reaching up, keeping the body straight and linear. Look at your right hand and breathe. For those who want to challenge themselves, two index fingers on the right big toe, inhale lengthen, and straighten the leg on the exhale, fingers pulling the right big toe. Focus on the breath and engage the bandhas. Last exhale release, back into plank, full pushup, now let's do the other side. Release back into plank, lowering down into Chaturanga...Come back into Mountain Pose.
Boat Pose Boat Pose (Navasana)
Vinyasa until Downward Dog, jump through or step through your hands for a seated pose. Bend both your knees and grab behind the thighs, keeping the back straight. Inhale lengthen, and release the legs on the exhale, extending the arms forward, straightening the legs pointed 45 degrees to the corner of the ceiling. Breathe for 5 counts. Cross your legs supporting your body by putting your hands beside you, inhale lengthen, and lift on the exhale. Hold for a few breaths. And release, back into Boat. 3x. From crossed legs, see if you can snap your legs back into into plank.
Locust Pose Locust Pose (Salabhasana)
From plank, lower yourself down completely, extending your arms forward. Inhale lengthen, on the exhale, lift your chest, lift your arms, lift your knees and thigh. Breathe. Spread your wings like a jet plane, lifting your chest ever higher. Breathe. Back to Superman or Superwoman...lift...breathe...5...4...3...2...1....Child's Pose everyone. You did well. Finish off with a Vinyasa.


Bridge Pose Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Let's go flat on our backs, bending our knees until the heels touch our gluts, feet hip width apart. Inhale and on the exhale, lift your pelvis and your chest high up to the ceiling, hands together behind your back, fingers interlaced, arms extended and breathe. Release and go into a Child's Pose.
Wheel Pose Wheel Pose Push-Up (Urdva Dhanurasana)
Let's go back lying down again - knees bent like Bridge but we put our hands against the mat beside our ears. On the inhale, lift your pelvis and your upper body up, straighten your arms as much as you can and stay here for a few breaths. For those looking for a challenge, let us do Wheel Push-ups. Exhale lower down back flat on the mat, and on the inhale, lift! Higher! Higher!....5x.
Seated Forward Bend Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
As a counter pose, go into a seated pose, inhale reach the arms up and keep reaching up, feeling that stretch, and on the exhale, bend forward, chest to the knee, top of the head reaching towards the toes, creating length and space. Breathe.


Crow Pose Crow Pose (Bakasana)
Find yourself in Downward Dog and move the feet closer to the hand and do the crow. Hold for 5 breaths.
Tripod Headstand Tripod Headstand (Sirsasana II)
From Crow, transition into Tripod Headstand without getting your feet down. Hold for 5 breaths.
Crow Pose Crow Pose (Bakasana)
From Tripod, transition back to Crow. Hold for 5 breaths and snap back into upper plank. Do a Vinyasa until Downward Dog.
Headstand Headstand (Sirsasana)
From Downward Dog, move your feet slowly towards your head, keeping your knees straight, until you can't go forward anymore. Then slowly move your hips back to shift your body weight towards the back. You will reach a tipping point where the toes automatically lift up. Now you have balance. Bend your knees keeping it close to your chest. Now try to point your knees up the ceiling. Slowly straighten your legs and keep it pointed to the ceiling. Hold for 5 breaths.
Headstand Headstand Jackknife
To those looking for a challenge, join me in doing a Jackknife. Inhale lengthen, and on the exhale, slowly move the hips back as counter weight as you lower down your legs towards your front keeping them straight. See if you can hover your toes just above the mat without touching it. On the inhale, lift your legs back up to headstand while moving your hips forward to maintain balance. Let's compose ourselves here. You can gradually release and go into a Child's Pose. To those who can do more, let's do more. On the exhale lowering the legs down....5x. Childs Pose.


Spinal Twist Spinal Twist
Vinyasa until Downward Dog. Jump through your arms to go into a seated pose, Dandasana. Lie down on your back first, then on your right side. Take the top of the left foot behind the right knee, right hand pressing down on the left knee to the mat. Inhale lengthen, left arm towards the ceiling, and on the exhale, turn your left shoulder and your left arm towards the mat while right hand presses on the left knee. Feel the twist on the torso. Hold for 5 breaths. Back to center. Other side.


Corpse Pose Corpse Pose (Savasana)
We now come to the tail-end of the session by lying face up on our mats, hands stretched to the sides, palms face-up, feet dangling to the sides for Corpse Pose. Stay here until the breath normalizes (stay here for 5 mins min). To awaken: Without opening your eyes, wriggle your toes and fingers, roll your eyeballs and focus on what your hear. Bring your senses back to life. Open your eyes, lie on your right side and stay there a few breaths. Let's all go back to a seated pose, legs crossed.


Alternate Nostril Breathing Alternate Nostril Breathing + Vacuum (Nadi Shodhan Pranayama)
While seated, keep the back straight, sit-bones squared. With the index and middle fingers of the right hand tucked-in, fully exhale, close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Pause. Close the left nostril with the pinky and the ring fingers, open the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril. Completely emptying the lungs. Close both nostrils and suck-in the belly and try to pull it up, creating a vacuum. Hold for 5 breaths. Gently release the belly first, open the right nostril and inhale. Close the right, open the left and exhale and do this side. Repeat for 5 times, finishing on the vacuum from the left exhale.


Gyan Mudra Chant Gyan Mudra Chant
Keep seated, legs crossed or in Lotus, hands on the knees, arms lightly stretched out, thumbs lightly touching the index fingers while the 3 other fingers are also lightly stretched out. Inhale, pause, and on the entire exhale, say OM (pronounced: AUM) until the lungs are empty. Pause. Inhale and repeat 3x.
Namaste Mudra Namaste Mudra
Remaining seated, let's touch our palms together in front of our chest for Namaste Mudra. Look at everyone around the room and greet each other Namaste, honoring the light that resides in all of us. Namaste everyone. This ends our session.

Class Instruction Ends Here

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Reader Comments:

Tuyen NguyenTuyen Vietnam
(Mar 16, 2015) awesome!

Consolacion ZaldivarConsolacion Philippines
(Mar 16, 2015) so you are in Singapore pala!

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Next stop: Exploring More of Singapore

Yoga-Sequence Series

Google Map Singapore

tourist attractions in Singapore tourist attractions
  • Little India Little India - Little India is the main tourism hub in Singapore. Friday and Saturday nights become animated with the night market
  • Chinatown Chinatown -colorful and animated with Chinese ware shopping, sumptuous street food and hawker-style eats, try Ah Balling Peanut Soup
  • Orchard Road Orchard Road - upscale shopping and glitzy night life
  • Arab Street Arab Street - backpacker dorms, shisha smoking with Middle Eastern atmosphere
  • Singapore Zoo Singapore Zoo - experience the night zoo, S$38
  • Fountain of Wealth Fountain of Wealth - at Suntec City, largest fountain in the world (Guinness Book of Records in 1998), shop-til-you-drop
  • The Southern Ridges The Southern Ridges - best trekking trails in Singapore extending 10kms through lush forest canopy. Bring water, sunscreen and a hat
  • Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery - biggest Buddhist temple in Singapore
  • Marina Bay Sands Marina Bay Sands - Singapore's most iconic building and most expensive at US$5.5B. Imagine a surf board on top of three skyscrapers
hotels in Singapore hotel


Singapore Tips
  1. always ascertain the price of a dish before making an order - the price of a dish and the humble appearance of a small eating place could vary significantly
  2. be familiar with the MRT (train) as it is the most efficient mode of transport - no traffic. Save this image
  3. negotiating for a 10% discount is acceptable in reputable places, but in places like Lucky Plaza or Sim Lim Tower, you can bargain as low as you want
  4. tipping is not part of the can skip this part and save yourself some cash
  5. most establishments (including taxis) accept credit cards, so no need to carry an insane amount of cash with you
  6. keep your receipts as you may be able to get a refund of the 7% GST before your departure
  7. MRT shuts down at 11pm. You may end up taking a cab at night which is expensive to begin with, but at night, there is even a 50% surcharge. And you pay an even higher rate if you take a Mercedes Benz cab
  8. carry coins in case you need to use a public toilet
  9. if you are stationary on the escalator, stay on the left side. The right side is for people who walk up or down
Things to do, Places to go in Singapore
  1. Little India - along Serangoon Road, try fish head soup, lively painted shophouses, saris, gold bangles, spices and incense
  2. Chinatown - colorful and animated with Chinese ware shopping, sumptuous street food and hawker-style eats, try Ah Balling Peanut Soup
  3. Orchard Road - upscale shopping and glitzy night life
  4. Arab Street - backpacker dorms, shisha smoking with Middle Eastern atmosphere
  5. Singapore Zoo - experience the night zoo, S$38
  6. Fountain of Wealth - at Suntec City, largest fountain in the world (Guinness Book of Records in 1998), shop-til-you-drop,
  7. The Southern Ridges - best trekking trails in Singapore extending 10kms through lush forest canopy. Bring water, sunscreen and a hat (
  8. Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery - biggest Buddhist temple in Singapore
  9. Marina Bay Sands - Singapore's most iconic building and most expensive at US$5.5B. Imagine a surf board on top of three skyscrappers
Singapore Etiquette (do's and dont's)
  1. remove shoes when entering someone's home or entering a mosque or temple
  2. to be on the safe side, address people as Mr. or Ms. and the surname. Don't adddress them by the first name, unless expressly permitted to
  3. when dealing with Malays, who are generally Muslim, do not offer alcohol and offer a gift when departing - not upon arrival
  4. when dealing with Chinese people, initially refuse a gift before finally accepting it. It shows you are not greedy
  5. do not immediately open a gift in front of the giver. Do not wrap a gift in white - white is for mourning
  6. when dealing with a Muslim, use your right hand to shake hands, to offer anything, to eat
  7. refrain from talking politics or religion. Singapore is multi-cultural and there's a thin line when you cross that divide
  8. do not touch the top of someone's head. The head is considered sacred
  9. don't show the bottom of your foot as it is considered dirty
  10. don't point with your index finger as it is deemed rude (use your thumb to point)
  11. if you see a packet of tissue paper on a table in a hawker-style eatery specially during peak hours, it means it's reserved - look for another table. Sometimes they use an umbrella
  12. if you're a backpacker and look the part, try to dress up more appropriately. Your beach wear and dreadlocks may be out of place in this cosmopolitan city
  13. don't litter, don't chew gum, don't vandalize, don't write grafitti, don't smoke in public where prohibited, don't do drugs as you can be fined by plain clothes policemen or caught on CCTV cameras which are all over the city. Even a direct plea by the president of the United States may not help you! (Michael Fay incident)
Singapore Freebies
  1. Baba House - restored house of a wealthy 1920s Singaporean family. Free tour by appointment - Mondays 2pm, Tuesdays 6:30pm, Thursdays 10am and Saturdays 11am. (
  2. Southern Ridges - free use of the best trekking trails in Singapore extending 10kms through lush forest canopy. Bring water, sunscreen and a hat (
  3. Haw Par Villa - a theme park of Chinese mythological creatures created by the guys who brought you Tiger Balm! 262 Pasir Panjang Rd, +65 6872 2780, Hours: 9am-7pm, Ten Courts of Hell exhibit 9am-6pm
  4. Casinos - if you are a non-Singapore passport holder (read: a foreigner), you get to enter the 2 casinos free - Sentosa and Marina Bay Sands. Inside, you also can get free water, tea or coffee
Recent History of Singapore

Singapore is a small city-state 707.1 km2 and one of the youngest countries in the world with no natural resources. After WWII, it suffered from decaying infrastructure, social unrest and sluggish economic growth. Now, barely 60 years later, it ranks #3 in global GDP per capita, outranked only by Qatar and Luxemburg (2013 data from International Monetary Fund and the World Bank). For the last 16 years, it is voted the most liveable city in the world by ECA International. What exactly took place to make this a reality? Below is a recent a nutshell:

  • 1818 - British Governor General of India appointed Lieutenant General Sir Stamford Raffles to establish a port of call for the British East India Company on the tip of the Malay peninsula to provide logistical support to their merchant fleet in their expanding trade between India and China. Singapore became the logical choice
  • 1832 - Singapore became the center of government of the Straights Settlements, which included 2 earlier acquisitions, Penang and Malacca, after becoming an important commercial and military center of British India
  • 1942-45 WWII - the Japanese occupied Singapore after the British capitulated
  • 1945 - Japan was defeated and the British regained control of Singapore. There was economic unrest, slow economic growth, high unemployment rate, labor strikes and decaying infrastructure. Singaporeans faced a housing shortage which would continue for a decade. This became breeding ground to a nationalistic awareness of the people, specially after realizing the British were not that invincible after their capitulation in WWII
  • 1959 still within the British Empire, Singapore became autonomous with Lee Kuan Yew as Prime Minister.
  • 1963 - Singapore unilaterally declared independence from Britain and joined the Federation of Malaysia along with Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak
  • 1964 - with simmering racial tension between the Chinese and the Malays, 2 race riots erupted in July and September killing 36 and injuring over 500. This was a wake-up call for Singapore to address racial issues. No one wanted a repeat of this. The peaceful co-existence of the Malays, the Chinese and the Indians of Singapore today stems from the hard lessons learned from this painful episode.
  • 1965 - Singapore left the federation after ideological conflict with member states. It gained full independence from the British with Lee Kuan Yew remaining Prime Minister
  • 1967 - Singapore becomes founding member of Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)
  • 1968 - Britain pulls out of Singapore resulting in a 20% job-loss. This is aggravated by losing Malaya's economic support due to Singapore's departure from the federation. Economic prospect was bleak for Singapore. It was a trying episode in the country's history. With Lee Kuan Yew's strong leadership, Singapre took advantage of its strategic location and attracted foreign inverstors
  • 1960s - this decade saw the aggressive construction of public housing to address the long-standing housing crisis. High-rise low-cost housing complexes were built. Today (2015), up to 90% of Singaporeans live in these developments. New complexes are continuously being constructed in anticipation of population increase.
  • 1970s - USA and Japan made sizeable positions in Singapore's economy as the manufacturing sector continued its ascent with foreign-owned or joint-venture companies. Singapore's economic boom contunued unabated during the rest of the 1970s
  • 1980s - Singapore shifted its focus from labor-intensive manufacturing to high-tech high-value industries, becoming the leading producer of disk drives and parts, accounting up to 30% of its GDP from manufacturing. In the late 80s, it pushed its financial services sector as well to become top 3 as Asia's most important financial centers, together with Japan and Hong Kong. This shows how nimble Singapore is in adapting to emergent trends and technologies to keep its global competitive edge
  • 1990s - Singapore is now home to more than 650 multinational companies and a few thousand financial institutions. Goh Chok Tong succeeded Lee Kuan Yew
  • 1994 - Michael Peter Fay, an 18 year old American is caned for theft and vandalism. His sentence was reduced to 4 instead of 6 as a way to give face to American president, Bill Clinton, who asked for leniency. Proceeding with the caning despite a personal plea by a US president sent a strong statement to the international community that Singapore is not one to buckle down under American pressure. It gained Singapore global respect for its political resolve.
  • 2003 - Singapore is hit with the SARS virus outbreak as it spreads across Asia and parts of North America and Europe
  • 2004 - Lee Hsien Loong became Singapore's third prime minister. He is Lee Kuan Yew's eldest son
  • 2008 - recession hits Singapore as the US-caused sub-prime market meltdown ripples through the global financial landscape resulting in bank failures worldwide
  • 2010 - Marina Bay Sands opens to the public as the 2nd most expensive building in the world at US$5.5 billion (land included). Its stunning and unique architecture gives Singapore a globally identifiable iconic signature landmark similar to the Eiffel Tower of Paris, the Petronas Twin Towers of Malaysia and the Empire State building of New York
  • 2013 - Singapore suffers its worst haze, reaching 401 PSI due to uncontrolled forest fire in Indonesia
  • 2015 - Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong imposes tougher measures against corruption after a number of high-profile graft scandals rocks the political landscape
  • Mar 2015 - former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew passes on, ending an era of transition from third world to first world
Cost Index

US$1 = S$1.38 (Singapore dollar) = Php 44.10, as of Mar 7, 2015

Discounted Tour Prices (provided by Ideal Backpackers, tel 6846 4741)

As a general rule, you get tickets cheaper if you buy them outside the venue. Purchase the tickets through your hotel or travel agencies. Chinatown has numerous travel/tour agencies where you can buy tickets cheaper.

  • S$ 72 Universal Studios Singapore
  • S$ 30 Singapore Flyer (big ferries wheel)
  • S$ 33 Night Safari
  • S$ 25 Singapore Zoo
  • S$ 23 Jurong Bird Park
  • S$ 15 Tiger Sky Tower
  • S$ 30 Duck Tour
  • S$ 35 SEA Aquarium
  • S$ 26 Underwater World Singapore / Dolphin Lagoon
  • S$ 35 Adventure Cove
  • S$ 25 Jewel Cable Car, 2-ways
  • S$ 31 Hippo City Sightseeing Tour
  • S$ 18 Singapore River Explorer
  • S$ 25 River Safari
  • S$ 8 Merlion Cove
  • S$ 5 National Orchard Garden

Singapore Cost Index at backpacker places

  • S$ 1.50 1.5 liter drinking water
  • S$ 3-4.00 noodle soup with meat or rice meal at food courts in housing developments, otherwise S$ 5 in regular eating places
  • S$ 1 tea
  • S$ 22 dorm bed
  • S$ 1.5 sugar cane juice
  • S$ 3.20 flagdown, 22 cents/400m taxi, surcharge of 50% at night, additional surcharge if M Benz taxi
  • S$ 5 per 11kg load coin operated laundry
  • S$ 1 per 5 mins coin operated laundry dryer
  • S$ 1-2 internet cafe, usually it's $1.80 with no membership
  • S$ 2/k banana
  • S$ 35/session yoga, non-member drop-in
  • S$ 3.50 nasi goreng
  • S$ 22 40-min river cruise on Marina Bay
  • S$ xxxxx ticket
  • S$ one hour massage
  • S$ one mug draft beer
  • S$ bicycle rental

Price Busters

The best deals are usually in the big national groceries/supermarkets like Giant, Seng Song and Fair Price . They always have promos that are price busters!

  • S$ 2.70 2 veggies + 1 meat viand + rice at Rice Garden (in food courts within a housing development)
  • S$ 1.20 three 1.5 liters of Alpha Water at Fair Price grocery with promo
  • S$ 2.00 Roti Prata + tea, at regular Malay eating places, best value breakfast meal

Singapore Blogs by TheLoneRider

  1. Mini-Life in Singapore August 8-22, 2016
  2. Peoplescape of Singapore Aug. 8-22, 2016
  3. Discovering the Neighborhood Cafes of Singapore Aug. 8-22, 2016
  4. Biological Cell Regulation (BCR) Therapy at Chang Wellness Aug 16, 2016
  5. Getting my Xiaomi Redmi Note3 Smart Phone Aug. 9, 2016
  6. A Roof Over my Head in Singapore Aug 8-22, 2016
  7. 2-Hour Detention at Singapore's Immigration and Checkpoints Authority August 8, 2016
  8. Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew Mar 23, 2015
  9. Life Hacking in Singapore Mar 22, 2015
  10. Exploring More of Singapore Feb 21 - Mar 22, 2015
  11. Power Yoga Class at Yoga Inc., Singapore Mar 21, 2015
  12. Touring Marina Bay Sands Mar 17, 2015
  13. The Singapore Magic Mar 16, 2015
  14. Singapore Yoga at Yoga Inc. Mar 8, 2015
  15. Singapore on a Shoe String Feb 20, 2015
  16. Sex in Singapore? Oct 20, 2013
  17. Singapore Girl July 21, 2013
  18. Lee Kuan Yew and Ferdinand Marcos Jan 26, 2003
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