
tales from the open road


By blogging, I playback the events that shaped my day. This gives me a chance to regain perspective, sharpen awareness and develop mindfulness. I lead an examined life in the process.

Yoga Blogs by Category

Yoga Journal

Yoga Book Reviews

Yoga for Cleansing (Shatkriya Purification)

Shatkriya Series

What are Shat Kriyas?

Shat Kriyas are yogic purification practices for cleansing the system. In Hatha Yoga, this is given paramount importance, more importance than Yama and Niyama. They argue that before the body should even begin to practice yoga, the body should be cleansed and purified first. e.g. - before your race your car on a track, you have to ensure the track is clean, obstructed and can take the rigors of a race car. More info here: 6 Shat Kriya

Meditation Series

Meditation Series

Youth, Aging & Longevity

Youth, Aging & Longevity

Staying Forever Young

8 Limbs of Yoga

8 Limbs of Yoga

What are they?

The practice of yoga has begun since time immemorial in India. But it was an oral tradition that was passed on from teacher to student. The sage Patangali, in an attempt to simplify yoga, codified the practice in what is now called the Yoga Sutras. In the sutras, he segmented yoga into 8 parts called the 8 Limbs of Yoga. The 8 limbs are supposed to be practiced in overlapping linear sequence - from moral grounding to ascencion.

Yoga Workshops

Yoga Workshops


Hasta Mudra (Hand/Finger Mudra)

20 Mudras by Sri T. Krishnamacharya

20 Essential Mudras

of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya

Practical Yoga

Practical Yoga

Yoga classes for optimum day-to-day functionality

Pranayama Classes
Studio-type Yoga classes

Studio-Type Yoga Series

Yoga classes typically offered in Yoga Studios

Yoga Classes (with sequence)
  1. Tummo Yoga + Wim Hof Breathing + Full-Body Muscle Contraction Dec 13, 2021
  2. Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) Sep 23, 2021
  3. Bahya Kumbhaka (breath-hold on the exhale) Aug 14, 2021
  4. Kunjal Kriya / Vamana Dhauti (induced vomiting) Apr 1, 2021
  5. Varisara Dhauti (cleansing of the entire digestive tract) Mar 26, 2021
  6. Pranayama Primer Feb 2, 2021
  7. High Intensity Interval Yoga (Yoga + HIIT) Nov 14, 2020
  8. Yoga for a 360-degree Core Nov 6, 2020
  9. Yoga Class for Strength and Muscle Jul 30, 2020
  10. Yoga Class for Optimum Digestion July 29, 2020
  11. Yoga Class for Healthy Eyes Jul 27, 2020
  12. Prana Vayu Adhitthana Yoga Class July 11-12, 2020
  13. Pranayama Sequence Oct 24, 2016
  14. Tibetan 5 Rites Mar 28, 2016
  15. Meditation Basics Nov 7, 2015
  16. ***Kumbhaka, Pranayama and Bandha into an Advanced Asana Sequence Aug 21, 2015
  17. *** Side Plank (Vasisthasana) Sep 1, 2015
  18. *** Body Combat Aerobic Workout Sequence Aug 24, 2015
  19. Handstand Clinic at Surya Nanda Yoga Studio Aug 23, 2015
  20. Power Yoga Class - Singapore Mar 21,2015
  21. Adhitthana Yoga (Yoga of Strong Determination) Sept 4, 2014
  22. Twist Sequence Jun 28, 2014
  23. One-Leg Sequence Jun 14, 2014
  24. Abs Yoga: Core Sequence June 14, 2014
  25. Backbend Sequence May 31, 2014

Yoga Blogs by Chronology

  1. Yoga at the Tagbilaran Airstrip August 2024
  2. Yoga Talk Community July 14/28, 2024
  3. Yoga Talk with BCBP Kids July 6, 2024
  4. Theosophical Society: Life Hacking using Spirituality June 29, 2024
  5. Life Hacking using Yogic Principles at RE:FIT June 29, 2024
  6. Yoga for Plus-sized Women May 24, 2024
  7. Yoga for Grown ups May 27 - June 21, 2024
  8. Yoga and Meditation for Kids May 27 - June 20, 2024
  9. Teaching 'Energising Yoga' at Jing Yoga & Wellness April 23-28, 2024
  10. Bohol Yoga Festival April 20/21, 2024
  11. Siddhi-Activation Workshop March 22, 2024
  12. Nine (9) Bandhas March 9, 2024
  13. My January Yoga Practice: A Journal January 31, 2024
  14. Yin Yoga Meditation January 11, 2024
  15. The 4 Cycles of Yuga January 4, 2024
  16. The Ultimate Nature of Reality January 3, 2024
  17. 2023: Yoga Yearend Review Dec 31, 2023
  18. My December Yoga Practice: A Journal December 31, 2023
  19. Yoga Upanishad December 12, 2023
  20. Trataka Sungazing December 11, 2023
  21. My October Yoga Practice: a Journal October 1-31, 2023
  22. My September Yoga Practice: a Journal September 1-30, 2023
  23. Isometrics Yoga Sep 23, 2023
  24. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Aug 8-???, 2023
  25. Kriya: Wim Hof-Maha Vedha Aug 6, 2023
  26. Yoga Yajnavalkya Aug 1 - Sep 18, 2023
  27. 'Forever Young' Yoga Sequence Jul 26, 2023
  28. The Universe as my Guru July 18, 2023
  29. Autobiography of a Yogi July 12-29, 2023
  30. Kriya: Kapalbhati Mandukasana Mudra Jul 1, 2023
  31. My Jun Yoga Practice: a Journal Jun 1-30, 2023
  32. Sri M - Indian Guru June 25, 2023
  33. Trataka Mirage June 14, 2023
  34. My May Yoga Practice: a Journal May 1-31, 2023
  35. Aging: Vultures Gathering May 17, 2023
  36. My April Yoga Practice: a Journal Apr 1-30, 2023
  37. Kris Visits Siquijor Mar 17 - Apr 15, 2023
  38. Exploring Siquijor with Marky Mar 25 - Apr 11, 2023
  39. My Mar Yoga Practice: a Journal Mar 1-31, 2023
  40. My Feb Yoga Practice: a Journal Feb 21-28, 2023
  41. Awakening the Kundalini Shakti Feb 12, 2023
  42. Inguinal Hernia? Goodbye ABS! Feb 4, 2023
  43. 1:4:2:3 Nadi Shodana Jan 26, 2023
  44. Dawata Yoga Studio Celebrates 1st Anniversary Dec 28, 2022
  45. Icebath 2 at Hostel 7 Cebu Dec 17, 2022
  46. Life-Hacking Using Yogic Principles at Dawata Yoga Studio Dec 9, 2022
  47. Pranayama for Mikko's Marathon Nov 27, 2022
  48. Moderating the Theosophical Society Meeting with Yoga of Emotions Nov 26, 2022
  49. Yoga with Jason Nov 23, 2022
  50. Yoga Classes in Cebu Nov 23, 2022
  51. Life-Hacking Using Yogic Principles at Hostel 7 Cebu Nov 19, 2022
  52. Icebath at Hostel 7 Cebu Nov 12, 2022
  53. Hatha Yoga Pradipika Oct 1, 2022 - Jul 5, 2023
  54. Neti Pot Sep 26, 2022
  55. Yoga Nidra with Chunyah and Tom Aug 18, 2022
  56. Samadhi: 8th Limb of Yoga Aug 4, 2022
  57. Dhyana: 7th Limb of Yoga Aug 2, 2022
  58. Dharana: 6th Limb of Yoga Aug 1, 2022
  59. The Silva Mind Control Method Jul 18, 2022
  60. Pratyahara: 5th Limb of Yoga Jul 14, 2022
  61. Icebath at Nawa Saraan Jul 6 - Oct 5, 2022
  62. Pranayama with Nicha Jun 14, 2022
  63. Magic and Mystery in Tibet Jun 12, 2022
  64. Asana (3): Eight Limbs of Yoga May 9, 2022
  65. Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai II Apr 20, 2022
  66. Niyama (2): Eight Limbs of Yoga May 4, 2022
  67. Yama (1): Eight Limbs of Yoga May 1, 2022
  68. Krishnamacharya: his Life and Teachings Apr 7, 2022
  69. Breathwork + Icebath @ Alt_Chiangmai Apr 6, 2022
  70. Yoga with Leo Apr 5, 2022
  71. Yoga and Fitness Mar 26, 2022
  72. Tummo Yoga + Wim Hof Breathing + Full-Body Muscle Contraction Dec 13, 2021
  73. Tummo Yoga Dec 1, 2021
  74. Spinal Mobility Oct 7, 2021
  75. One-Leg Yoga Asana Sequences Sep 30, 2021
  76. 23-Minute Ice Bath Sep 27, 2021
  77. Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) Sep 23, 2021
  78. Bahya Kumbhaka (breath-hold on the exhale) Aug 14, 2021
  79. Fighting Infection through Yoga Aug 3, 2021
  80. Antara Kumbhaka on Nadi Shodan Pranayama: Yogic Breath-Hold on the Inhale Jul 17, 2021
  81. 'The Bow' Yoga Jul 7, 2021
  82. Yoga Classes with Calum Mar 27 - Jul 4, 2021
  83. Hatha Vinyasa Yoga with Katharine Day Jun 17, 2021
  84. Pranayama Basics II Jun 16, 2021
  85. Pranayama Basics I Jun 9, 2021
  86. Learning How to Breathe Jun 2, 2021
  87. Breathwork & Ice Bath with Jason Ryer of Zen Strength May 23, 2021
  88. Yoga Classes with Nana Apr 20, 2021
  89. You Want to be Wonder Woman? Apr 8, 2021
  90. Kunjal Kriya / Vamana Dhauti (induced vomiting) Apr 1, 2021
  91. Varisara Dhauti (cleansing of the entire digestive tract) Mar 26, 2021
  92. Private One-on-One Yoga Classes with Doriana Feb 17 - Mar 14, 2021
  93. Mula Shodhana (anal cleansing) Feb 27, 2021
  94. Breaking the 5-Minute Breath-hold Barrier Feb 25, 2021
  95. Breaking the 4-minute Breath-hold Feb 7, 2021
  96. Pranayama Primer Feb 2, 2021
  97. Sahasrara (crown chakra) Jan 20, 2021
  98. Brahmaguha (forehead chakra) Jan 23, 2021
  99. Bindu (moon center chakra) Jan 13, 2021
  100. Reversing/Slowing Down the Aging Process Dec 30, 2020
  101. Lalana (soft palate chakra) Nov 30, 2020
  102. Cleansing the Nadis (Energy Pathway) Nov 13, 2020
  103. Vinyasa Krama and Ashtanga Yoga with Aida Yoga Oct 18, 2020
  104. Ajna (third eye chakra) Oct 7, 2020
  105. Siddhis (yogic super powers) Sep 30, 2020
  106. Visuddhi (throat chakra) Sep 15, 2020
  107. Manas (mind chakra) Sep 1, 2020
  108. Surya (sun chakra) Aug 30, 2020
  109. Manipuraka (Navel Chakra) Aug 5, 2020
  110. The Podcast Series: Alan "Heart Math" Strydom Jul 17, 2020
  111. Anahata (Heart Chakra) July 5, 2020
  112. My Studies with Sri Krishnamacharya by Srivatsa Ramaswami Jun 14, 2020
  113. Dr. Joe Dispenza: Activating the Pineal Gland Jun 11, 2020
  114. Wim Hof: Mind Over Physiology June 1, 2020
  115. Sirsasana A & B May 20, 2020
  116. Svadhisthana (sacral chakra) May 2020
  117. Mantak Chia: Multiple Orgasm Guru May 17, 2020
  118. Yogic Morning Ritual: Structured Water, Water Therapy and Nauli May 1, 2020
  119. Muladhara (root chakra) Apr 26, 2020
  120. Understanding Yogic Chakras Apr 26, 2020
  121. Covid 19 and Pranayama Mar 20, 2020
  122. Prasnopanishad: Understanding Prana Jan 17, 2020
  123. Bhujangini Mudra Nov 25, 2019
  124. Mathangini Mudra Nov 24, 2019
  125. Kaka Mudra Nov 23, 2019
  126. Pasini Mudra Nov 20, 2019
  127. Aswini Mudra Nov 18, 2019
  128. Sambhavi Mudra Nov 16, 2019
  129. Manduka Mudra Nov 15, 2019
  130. Tataka Mudra Nov 14, 2019
  131. Sakti Calana Mudra Nov 10, 2019
  132. Vajroli Mudra Nov 9, 2019
  133. Yoni Mudra Nov 1, 2019
  134. Viparita Karani Mudra Oct 31, 2019
  135. Khecari Mudra Oct 30, 2019
  136. Mahadeva Mudra Oct 28, 2019
  137. Maha Bandha Mudra Oct 24, 2019
  138. Mula Bandha Mudra Oct 21, 2019
  139. Anushasan Mudra Oct 18, 2019
  140. Ling Mudra Oct 17, 2019
  141. Jalandhara Bandha Mudra Oct 15, 2019
  142. Uddiyana Bandha Mudra Oct 10, 2019
  143. Nabho Mudra Oct 9, 2019
  144. Maha Mudra Oct 7, 2019
  145. 20 Essential Mudras by T. Krishnamacharya Oct. 6, 2019
  146. Vayu Mudra Oct 1, 2019
  147. Matangi Mudra Sep 27, 2019
  148. Sankalpa Mudra Sep 27, 2019
  149. Surya Pradarshini Mudra Sep 26, 2019
  150. Dhyan Mudra Sep 24, 2019
  151. Apan Vayu Mudra Sep 23, 2019
  152. Shankh Mudra Sep 23, 2019
  153. Anjali Mudra Sep 22, 2019
  154. Prana Mudra Sep 21, 2019
  155. Prana Vayu (Pranic Wind) Sep 20, 2019
  156. Apana Mudra Sep 20, 2019
  157. Varun Mudra Sep 19, 2019
  158. Surya Mudra Sep 18, 2019
  159. 2-Week Yoga Challenge by Agnese Erba Sep 17, 2019
  160. Prithvi Mudra Sep 17, 2019
  161. Shunya Mudra Sep 16, 2019
  162. Akash Mudra Sep 15, 2019
  163. Gyana Mudra Sep 15, 2019
  164. The Mudra Project Sep 13, 2019
  165. Of Winos and Yogis Aug 26, 2019
  166. Yin Yoga - Water Element by Martina Barabas Aug 15, 2019
  167. Hatha Mix Yoga with Christin Aug 13, 2019
  168. Hatha Slow Flow with Neil Jefferson June 3, 2019
  169. Vinyasa Happy Flow Series by Vaida May 31, 2019
  170. Yoga Flow Through the 7 Chakras by Sabrina Pilz May 30, 2019
  171. Abs Yoga by Gigit May 12, 2019
  172. Curing Cancer with Yoga? Feb 21, 2019
  173. Beach Yoga in DaNang, Vietnam Nov 17, 2018
  174. Abs-Yoga with BeautyLand Hotel II Staff Oct 3-7, 2018
  175. Sunrise Yoga with Jerome at Yangon Yoga House Oct 5, 2018
  176. Yoga Inversions at Now's Fitness Gym Sep 19, 2018
  177. Nows Fitness Bangkok: The Series
  178. Yoga Exploration at The Yoga Tree with Gernot Aug 1, 2018
  179. Yoga with Adam at Hidden House Yoga, Chiang Mai July 29, 2018
  180. Hatha and Yantra Yoga Fusion July 10-24, 2018
  181. Laughter Yoga with Saffiya Arnous July 31, 2018
  182. Hatha Yoga By Christoph Joerg July 31, 2018
  183. 5 Yogas of Tibetan Yantra Yoga Jun 26, 2018
  184. In Search of a Tibetan Yantra Yoga Teacher June 25, 2018
  185. Conducting Yoga Classes at Pema Thang Guest House, Dharamshala, India June 24 - July 8, 2018
  186. Bouncing Back into Yoga in Rishikesh May 21, 2018
  187. Vinyasa Yoga with Dipendra at the Mandala Yoga Studio and Spa, Kathmandu Apr 18, 2018
  188. Hatha Yoga with Madhab Prasad Dhakal at Sawar Yoga Studio, Kathmandu Apr 17, 2018
  189. SUP Yoga with Lalah de Dios at Fox and the Firefly Feb 25, 2018
  190. In-House Yoga Teacher at the Fox and Firefly Cottages Jan 22-Mar 14, 2018
  191. Stand-Up Paddle Yoga with Joan Christine Nov 3, 2017
  192. Yoga for 60+ Students at the University of Bohol Oct 4, 2017
  193. Modified Ashtanga Primary Series by Jing Yoga, Tagbilaran Sept 12, 2017
  194. Pranayama in Moalboal Aug 3, 2017
  195. Karma Yoga at S Hotel, Cebu July 5-7, 2017
  196. Life Coaching for a Competition Dancer July 5, 2017
  197. Yoga with Ging and Rai at Oasis Resort June 18, 2017
  198. Conducting Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation Classes in Cebu May 26, 2017
  199. Healing Yoga by Nonie Fernando at The Detox Bar May 12, 2017
  200. Ashtanga Primary Series Yoga in Cebu May 5, 2017
  201. Teaching Yoga in Apo Island Apr 10-22, 2017
  202. Yoga Calisthenics in Camotes Islands Mar 3, 2017
  203. Yoga at Palawan SandCastles, Busuanga Oct 31-Nov 22, 2016
  204. Davao Yoga Scene Oct 31, 2016
  205. Pranayama: An Introduction Oct 24, 2016
  206. Yoga Beyond the Mat Oct 21, 2016
  207. Sirsasana, Sarvangasana - Yoga Makaranda II Oct 7, 2016
  208. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya Oct 5, 2016
  209. Ashtanga Yoga with James Fritz Freire at Holiday Gym and Spa Oct 1, 2016
  210. Nirvana Breathing Fitness with Lita C. Quisumbing Sep 21, 2016
  211. Lounge One Yoga Sequence by May Bel Le at North Zen Hotel Sep 16, 2016
  212. Hatha Flow Yoga with Joanna Lizares Co at Holiday Spa and Gym Aug. 31, 2016
  213. Conducting a Power Yoga Class at Yoga Davao Aug 29, 2016
  214. Funky Flow Yoga with Lora Lorenzo at YogaOneThatIWant Studios July 27, 2016
  215. Hatha Yoga with Andrea Paige at The Yoga Barn July 21, 2016
  216. Kundalini Yoga with Ketut Bandiastra at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram July 20, 2016
  217. Andrea Paige - Health Crusader and Yogini July 18, 2016
  218. Power Yoga with Ni Made Murni at The Yoga Barn July 18, 2016
  219. Vinyasa Yoga with Daniel Aaron at Radiantly Alive Yoga Studio July 17, 2016
  220. Mysore Ashtanga with Laruga at Ubud Yoga Center July 15, 2016
  221. Vinyasa Flow with Nina at Intuitive Flow Yoga Studio July 14, 2016
  222. Laughter Yoga with Kadek Suambara at Ambar Ashram July 12, 2016
  223. Yoga Pranala with Chiara at Intuitive Flow Yoga Studio July 10, 2016
  224. Pranawayu Yoga with I Ketut Bandiastra, S. Ag at Taman Hati Yoga Ashram July 7, 2016
  225. Yoga with Sasha Lang at the Ubud Yoga House July 6, 2016
  226. Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation in Penang Jun 10, 2016
  227. Yoga with Amm Prajna Pitchaya and the Sivananda yoga community of Phan May 16-18, 2016
  228. Dance Mandala in Chiang Mai at The Yoga Tree Apr 19, 2016
  229. One Day Yoga-Pranayama-Meditation Retreat at Angkor Zen Mar 30, 2016
  230. 5 Tibetan Rites: Yoga Sequence Mar 28, 2016
  231. Yoga at Ahimsa Yoga Academy (Siem Reap) Mar 27, 2016
  232. Yoga at Thai Plum Village Mar 19, 2016
  233. Conducting a Half-Day Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation Workshop in Makati Feb 13, 2016
  234. Yoga Adjustment and Alignment Nov 11, 2015
  235. Meditation Basics Nov 7, 2015
  236. Yogathering 2 Oct 3-4, 2015
  237. Side Plank (Vasisthasana) Sep 1, 2015
  238. Kumbhaka, Pranayama and Bandha into an Advanced Asana Sequence Aug 25, 2015
  239. Handstand Clinic at Surya Nanda Yoga Studio Aug 23, 2015
  240. Getting Deeper into Yoga July 12, 2015
  241. Cebu Yoga at Studio 108 June 30, 2015
  242. Back to Cebu, Back to Yoga at Surya Nanda Yoga Studio June 18-28, 2015
  243. Power Yoga Class at Yoga Inc., Singapore Mar 21, 2015
  244. Singapore Yoga at Yoga Inc. Mar 8, 2015
  245. Adhitthana Yoga (Yoga of Strong Determination) Sept 4, 2014
  246. Vipassana 5: Seeing the Bigger Picture Aug. 20-31, 2014
  247. Marichi Yoga House 3-Month Online ABS Showdown 2014 Jun 21 - Sep 20, 2014
  248. 108 Sun Salutations and Tour of the Manilay Ancestral Home, Gen San May 27, 2014
  249. Yoga at Sar Bay Festival 2014 May 16, 2014
  250. Teaching Yoga at the Marichi Yoga House in Gen San May 15-16, 2014
  251. Teaching Yoga May 9, 2014
  252. [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  253. Aqua Yoga with Jeanne Torrefranca at Dragonfly Pool May 4, 2014
  254. i-Yoga with Ayee Domingo at Dragonfly Yoga Studio Apr 27, 2014
  255. Leveling Up: Veer-Yoga with the YogiVeers Apr 11, 2014
  256. Kundalini Yoga with Rebecca Youngdahl Lombardi Mar 28, 2014
  257. SUP Yoga with Jeanne Torrefranca at Plantation Bay Mar 23, 2014
  258. Yoga Immersion with Veer (Vaibhav Rana) Mar 5, 2014
  259. Joan Hyman Yoga Workshop by YogaHub Feb 18, 2014
  260. Shifting Yoga Paradigm Feb 10, 2014
  261. Demystefying Ashtanga Yoga Feb 13, 2014
  262. Gayatri Mantra Jan 21, 2014
  263. Crossroads in Cebu Jan 20, 2014
  264. Deepening My Yoga Practice in Cebu Jan 12, 2014
  265. New Year Yoga at Dragonfly Yoga Studio Jan 1, 2014
  266. Fab People: Vaibhav Rana (Veer) Jan 1, 2014
  267. Fab People: Jeanne Torrefranca (Yogini) Dec 25, 2013
  268. Coffee Review: Himalayan Java Coffee Dec. 18, 2013
  269. YogaHub - Real People, Real Yoga Dec 18, 2013
  270. 108 Sun Salutations for Typhoon Yolanda Victims Dec 15, 2013
  271. 2-day Yoga Mountain Retreat at Rancho Cancio Nov 30 - Dec 1, 2013
  272. Cebu Yoga Immersion Nov 14, 2013
  273. Yoga in Davao Sep 26, 2013
  274. Karma Yoga in Surigao City July 5, 2013
  275. Holiday Spa Yoga, Davao City Jan 20, 2013
  276. Free Yoga at People's Park Jan 12, 2013
  277. Seekers' Lair June 25, 2012
  278. Cyber Monk May 19, 2012
  279. Yoga at Cordova Reef, Cebu Beach Resort May 6-7, 2012
  280. Vipassana Meditation Course Part 4: Getting Established in the Technique (sit) Apr 25 - May 6, 2012
  281. Yoga with Carlo Magno Jun 13, 2011
  282. Back to Yoga Sep 20, 2010
  283. S.N. Goenka May 29, 2010
  284. 10-Day Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat Part 3: Forgiveness Mar 24, 2010
  285. Empath Yoga Teacher Certification Workshop Nov 9, 2009
  286. Enlightenment, Anyone? Oct 21 - Nov 1, 2009
  287. Consciousness is Everything Apr 23, 2009
  288. Sifu Jen Sam Apr 19, 2009
  289. 10-Day Vipassana Silent Meditation Retreat Apr 1-12, 2009
  290. Goodbye Sagada Mar 4, 2009
  291. Superman-Effect: Pranayama Zen Ride to Banguitan Feb 6, 2008
  292. Laughter Yoga with Debra Simpson Feb 1, 2009
  293. Empath Yoga with Erica Boucher Jan 21, 2009
  294. Third Eye Meditation Workshop Jun 15, 2008
  295. Pranayama Jan 30, 2008
  296. Amma "Hugging Saint" Sep 9-10, 2007
  297. Benevolent Universe May 14, 2007
  298. Bryan Kest Yoga Collective Video May 4, 2007
  299. Sunrise Yoga at Kiltepan Apr 29, 2007
  300. Back to Yoga Mar 12, 2007
  301. Vinyasa Yoga with Elle Tan Nov 13, 2006
  302. Ashtanga Yoga with Bela Lipat Jun 29, 2006
  303. Sivananda Yoga with Helen Stapleton Jun 13, 2006
  304. Third Eye Mar 8, 2006
  305. Hydro-Colon Therapy Feb 18, 2006
  306. Bikram Yoga with Pye Trinidad Nov 28, 2005
  307. Dawn Meditation Nov 21, 2005
  308. Astral Projection May 4, 2004
  309. Sahar's Yoga Party Apr 17, 2004
  310. Art of Living Course - the Last Day Mar 17, 2003
  311. Art of Living Course - Day 4 Mar 16, 2003
  312. Art of Living Course - Day 3 Mar 15, 2003
  313. Art of Living - Day 1 Mar 13, 2003
  314. Partner Yoga Mar 8, 2003
  315. Sunday Yoga Feb 23, 2003
  316. Saturday Yoga Feb 22, 2003
  317. [an error occurred while processing this directive]
  318. Need to Meet Nov 21, 2002
  319. Conversation with a yogi Oct 23, 2002
  320. A Failed Out-of-Body-Experience (OBE) Aug 25, 2002
  321. ...with Kiran Sohal May 10, 2002
  322. Yoga Routine Apr 25, 2002
  323. My Introduction to Yoga Sep 30, 2001
  324. Fleeting Moment of Enlightenment March 1980